1 November 2022
Working within your Workflow with DigitalGlassware®
At deepmatter® we believe making structured and rich data accessible is the way to synthesize your target molecules better, faster and more cheaply. In fact we are committed to open data standards
One way we make your data accessible with our innovative chemistry platform DigitalGlassware® is to work within your workflow, be it helping complete notebooks (electronic or paper) or sharing information securely with your colleagues. To facilitate this we have developed several tools that help:
Share data securely and easily
Automatically generate DigitalGlassware® Recipes from text
Read on to find out more about these tools and how DigitalGlassware® could work within your workflow to make better chemicals, faster and cheaper.
Sharing data with DigitalGlassware® could not be easier. All data, either a Recipe within RecipeBuilder or Run data within RunManager can be shared with your colleagues instantly through our DigitalGlassware® browser app with our Jump-to-URL feature. All you need to do is copy the browser URL of the Recipe or Run data you wish to share and the URL will take your colleague directly there securely. Handy if you need to share something instantly with a colleague or include a reference in your write up notes to a reaction run.
Alternatively if you wish to share a copy of a Recipe or a Run with someone you can use our Export functions. Current Recipe Export supported formats include PDF, DOCX and RTF with more coming in the future to address your needs whilst your Run data can be downloaded in it’s entirety as a CSV (including time stamped operations and notes). Of course all Recipes and Runs are available in our open data format PCML and PCRR respectively.
Our newest exciting feature in DigitalGlassware®'s RecipeBuilder is the Auto-Recipe Generator tool. Now you can take text from any source and use our conversion tool to automatically generate a simple Recipe. From here you can add any additional details you wish and run the Recipe in the lab.